Friday, November 13, 2020

Aerobic exercise!

Aerobic exercise in the neighborhood, woo! 

I just went for a walk with earbuds and sunglasses and a headband covering my ears and a cloth mask and I gotta say, my lips didn't get dry at all since all the condensation of my breath just got breathed back in, and there wasn't any harsh dry wind blowing on my face either. And it's a good thing because I forgot chapstick. I had a packet of tissues just in case my nose started running, since sometimes it does that when I'm in the cold. But it didn't! 😊 Also my sunglasses stayed on even though the headband over my ears and earbuds was keeping the side pieces of the sunglasses from going between my ears and head like usual, so that was a relief. 

All in all, it went great and I definitely want to do this again. This time was only about a 25 min walk to the park and back, but I want to go longer and also work on doing some leg and core workouts as well. And sure, earlier this year I went to our community gym owned by the apartment complex, but that was only once. This time I want to aim for small, doable sessions so that I build up my stamina and strengthen my muscles. ^_^ now I'm gonna take a shower because I NEED one now lol

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